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Considering the case for rural Dorset

Dorset National Park Team

Dorset CPRE supports the proposal for a Dorset National Park which would work with our councils, communities and other stakeholders including businesses, farmers, landowners, societies and agencies, for living, working, thriving, successful and sustainable communities, environment and economy throughout Dorset.

Dorset CPRE would wish the National Park to include as much as possible of rural Dorset. To assist the government-appointed Glover Review and to facilitate further detailed assessment, it commissioned Jo Witherden, an experienced and respected Dorset planner, to review the evidence, based on the key criteria for National Park designation.

The report below provides the wide-ranging evidence to support CPREs case for the designation of a National Park for rural Dorset. The report recommends that work continue with a view to extending the evidence available.

CPRE has called on the Government and the Glover Review to give the proposed Dorset National Park their full support.


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