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We congratulate Dorset Councillors and look forward to working together to secure Dorset’s long-over

Dorset National Park Team

The Dorset National Park Team congratulates all those successful in the local elections. We look forward to working with the Dorset Council and communities to secure Dorset’s long-overdue National Park, a designation that would keep our environment special and help our communities and economy to be thriving, successful and sustainable.

Dorset’s environment and heritage are loved by the people of Dorset: 94% of Dorset residents say a high-quality natural environment is of great importance to them. (State of Dorset 2015, Dorset County Council.) Our environment is also our greatest economic asset. (2016 report for Dorset County Council.)

A National Park would be a close and supportive partner for the Dorset Council and our communities, working on a shared agenda to benefit all of Dorset. It would bring additional resources which can support key services, including seamless local planning through a shared planning team, affordable homes for local people, rural transport and public health. It could be a delivery arm for the Dorset Council on the environment, heritage and tourism management and bring central government funding for this work. Being core funded by central Government, a National Park would free up Dorset Council resources for other pressing priorities. The South Downs NP, in its first 5 years, secured over £100m of core and project funding for its area, invested through partners – councils, communities, societies, businesses, farmers and landowners. National Parks are run by local people and benefit their local communities.

The National Park website features:

  • Our latest Newsletter;

  • Our submission to the government-appointed Glover Review which includes a Prospectus setting out how we see a National Park operating for the benefit of all of Dorset:

  • Independent reports on the benefits and opportunities that a National Park would offer Dorset’s economy and businesses, and on how farmers and land managers in the South Downs benefit from that National Park:

  • Evidence of the wide-ranging support for the National Park proposal by communities, councils, societies, businesses and key individuals. The proposal has cross party and cross county support. A recent meeting of the Dorchester Civic Society was followed by the Dorset Echo’s front-page heading: “Audience hears of major economic benefits as county chases prestigious status”.

We hope that the Dorset Council will support the proposal for a Dorset National Park and encourage the Government’s Glover Review to support it and prioritise further assessment. If councillors have questions or would like a discussion on this great opportunity for Dorset, please contact us:

Dorset National Park Team



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