The momentum grows for a Dorset National Park as more societies and communities express their interest in and support for the proposal. Recent, messages of support to the National Park Team include the following: The Thomas Hardy Society: "The Thomas Hardy Society is fully supportive of the Dorset National Park proposal and looks forward to Natural England’s further assessment." The Marine Conservation Society: "The Dorset Coast is rich in biodiversity, and is just as special for its important heritage and use by local populations. We need to make people aware of its special nature both above and below the waves. The Marine Conservation Society supports the proposal to grant the area National Park status, and we are pleased that the proposal is being considered in anticipation of plans being taken a step forward."
Trees for Dorset: "Trees for Dorset strongly approve and support a National Park being set up in this area. We find people value trees and woodlands and it may be a step in encouraging this strong interest. Under a new National Park the idea of eco-tourism might flourish. We would look forward to working with a National Park." The Open Spaces Society: "The Open Spaces Society is pleased to hear of progress towards the Dorset National Park, an area of immense natural beauty and rich in common land which provides great public benefit. We encourage Natural England to continue to assess the area for its National Park qualities."
Moreton Parish Council: "Moreton Parish Council notes with interest the opportunities the proposed Dorset National Park could offer our communities, economy and environment. The PC welcomes the continuing evaluation of the proposal and looks forward to the additional information this will provide, and joins other Dorset councils to request Natural England to take its assessment to the next stage."
These follow messages of support from Chideock Parish Council, the Chideock Society and Beaminster Societies.
The National Park Team along with the many interested organisations look forward to Natural England undertaking their further assessment of the proposal as soon as resources are available.